HomeNursingHospital News 9th Annual Nursing Hero's Awards!

Hospital News 9th Annual Nursing Hero’s Awards!

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Nominate A Nursing Hero!

Hospital News’ 9th Annual Nursing Hero Awards.

Look around you. Have you been inspired, encouraged or empowered by an employee or a colleague? Have you or your loved one been touched by the care and compassion of an outstanding nurse? Do you know a nurse who has gone above and beyond the call of duty?

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Now is your chance to acknowledge and recognize the nursing heroes in your facility or community. Hospital News will once again salute nursing heroes through our annual National Nursing Week (May 12th to 18th) contest.  We hope you will share your stories with us so that we can highlight the exceptional work that our nurses are doing and how they touch our lives.

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Nominations can be submitted by patients or patients’ family members, colleagues or managers.

Please submit by April 15th  and make sure that your entry contains the following information:

• Full name of the nurse

• Facility where he/she worked at the time

• Your contact information

• Your nursing hero story

Please email submissions to editor@hospitalnews.com or mail to: Hospital News, 610 Applewood Crescent, Suite 401 Vaughan, ON, L4K 0E3

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