HomeMedical SpecialtiesOncologyNominations now open for 2016 Human Touch Awards

Nominations now open for 2016 Human Touch Awards

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Recognizing compassionate individuals in healthcare

Nominations are now open for the 2016

In the field of healthcare, it is not uncommon to come across individuals on a daily basis who go the extra mile to change lives. Whether it’s one act of kindness, a regular routine, or simply demonstrating a positive attitude, these people are a true inspiration for their compassion and commitment to healthcare.

CCO – which includes and the Ontario Renal Network – is now accepting nominations for the 10th annual Human Touch Awards to honour outstanding professionals and volunteers from across Ontario’s cancer and kidney care systems who make a difference to healthcare every day.

All part-time and full-time care professionals and volunteers who provide exceptional care and support of patients and their families at either a regional cancer or kidney care centre or as part of a regional cancer program or kidney care program in Ontario are eligible to be nominated for an award.

“There are countless outstanding individuals across the healthcare system who dedicate their time and energy to easing the pain and suffering of others,” says Michael Sherar, President and CEO of CCO. “The Human Touch Awards provide an opportunity to show our appreciation for these inspirational people, and I encourage those who work across the cancer and kidney care systems to nominate their colleagues and volunteers.”

The 10th annual Human Touch Awards will take place on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at a special ceremony to recognize the commitment, dedication and compassion of eight worthy award recipients.

The Human Touch Awards were created to emphasize the importance of integrating empathy and compassion into a patient’s overall care experience. A diagnosis of cancer or chronic kidney disease is life-changing, with both physical and emotional implications. Treating patients for emotional symptoms of their disease can be just as essential as treatment for physical symptoms.

In 2015, over 57 individuals from across Ontario’s cancer and kidney care system were nominated for a Human Touch Award. Award recipients were selected by a regionally diverse and interdisciplinary panel who reviewed all nominations.

Previous winners include a Paediatrics Oncology Clinic volunteer who has dedicated 26 years of her life to bringing joy to sick children, an Adult Nurse Practitioner who works with patients as partners to continue improving the patient experience, and a Registered Dietitian who goes above and beyond to help patients manage their nutrition while undergoing difficult treatment regimens.

To learn more about the Human Touch Awards or to nominate professionals and volunteers across Ontario’s cancer and kidney care systems, visit www.cancercare.on.ca/humantouch or www.renalnetwork.on.ca/humantouch.

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