The Canadian Consensus Statement on the management of venous leg ulcers

This Consensus Statement was developed with the objective of creating a concise document that incorporates new clinical and research findings, and that Health Care Providers can use in the clinic. Nineteen Health Care Providers from across Canada were involved in the process. Their backgrounds included physicians, nurses, Nurses Specializing...

Robotic-assisted rehabilitation now available in Fraser Health

Stroke patient Leanne Mork is learning to walk again with the assistance of...

World first: Delivering chemotherapy to paediatric brain tumours using MRI-guided focused ultrasound

Researchers and physicians at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and The Hospital for Sick...

New CMA survey links lack of access to health care to growing health misinformation risks

A growing number of Canadians are encountering health misinformation, with significant consequences for...

News & topics

AI innovation unlocks non-surgical way to detect brain cancer spread

In new study, MRI combined with machine learning reveals presence of cancer cells with 85-per cent accuracy Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) model to detect the spread of metastatic brain cancer using MRI scans, offering insights into patients’ cancer without aggressive surgery. The proof-of-concept study, co-led by McGill University...

Child undernutrition may be contributing to global measles outbreaks, researchers find

Amid a global surge in measles cases, new research suggests that undernutrition may be...

Are anxiety and depression useful predictors of heart disease risk?

Adding measures of anxiety and depression to a commonly used cardiovascular risk predictor would...

Navigating mental health with technology

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a sharp rise in eating disorders, particularly among youth. Demand...

Building robot brains How one KITE scientist is changing the way robots think. Literally.

It’s morning, and an older woman who is recovering from a stroke sits at...
Hospital News Video Library
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Stream™ Platform - Surgeon Reactions
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Sepsis Canada
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Collision Toronto 2024 - Hospital News Focus On Healthcare
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Cardinal Health - ValueLink
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Emergency Room Wait Times - Why Are They So Long? CEO explains.
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A Canadian surgical first at The Ottawa Hospital using VR technology
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Facilitating Institutional Change - SKIP
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Windsor Regional Hospital Introduces Evolv Detector System
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This is what lab-grown bone looks like
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A.I.D.E.T in action at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Department of Medical Imaging
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Wirelessly-powered ‘smart bandage’ could provide drug-free wound care
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First bioresorbable electronic bandage speeds healing by 30%
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Ryerson Graduate Professor Karen Spalding: Helping students thrive
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The Value of Radiology in Canada
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Rho: 16 Bit's AI-based software to opportunistically screen x-rays for low bone mineral density
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Introducing Modus X
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Vein Viewer
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Preventing the Next Pandemic | U of T Groundbreakers EP1
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SeeLuma | Bausch + Lomb
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World-first discovery impacts treatment of acute respiratory failure
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Multi-thermal Aspects of the Wound Dressing
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Improved treatment for patients with kidney failure
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Study finds high percentage of patients with a severe COVID infection will end up with kidney injury
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3M™ Ranger™ Blood/Fluid Warm Unit 245 with warm high flow set 24355 with 3M™ Ranger™ Pressure Inf DT
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London researchers discover novel method to diagnose long COVID
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Symposium 5 -Virtual care IS care: How Canada can seize a once in decades opportunity to democratize

Medical Specialties

A pathway to independence for patients with rare disease

Nearly 20 years ago, Audrey Gouskos came through the St. Michael’s Hospital Emergency Department unable to walk. She had trouble breathing and would be...

Provinces need to come together now to make pharmacare a reality for all Canadians

With a federal election looming, we need swift action to make pharmacare a reality...

Help chart the future of palliative care

Attention: Caregivers and anyone living with life limiting illness Statistics Canada is conducting a study...

Move more, age well: prescribing physical activity for older adults as a recipe for healthy aging

Can physical activity extend the lifespans of older adults? A review article published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) summarizes the considerable evidence supporting the important role physical activity plays in preventing or reducing the effects of diseases and discusses how to prescribe effective exercise for older adults. Canada’s population is aging, with at least 1 in 5 people aged 65 years or older in 2025, and the number of people older...

Partnership opens new patient pathway for cardiac care

Unity Health Toronto and Oak Valley Health are creating a streamlined care pathway to provide patients with timely access to advanced cardiac procedures and...


Nurse practitioners delivering ‘innovative solutions’

Courtney Lindsay never envisioned that her work as a nurse practitioner (NP) would one day be conducted through a computer screen. As an NP who splits her time between UHN’s online and in-person Emergency Department (ED), learning to consult patients virtually has become an integral...

Boost to nurse practitioner program supports primary health care

Fifteen more nurse practitioners (NPs) will be trained at the University of Victoria this...

Innovating care experience with artificial intelligence

At the beginning of this year, St. Joseph’s became one of Canada’s first academic...

Nurses need genetics in “their DNA” to improve patient care It’s time for more genomics education in nursing

Genetic testing is now the standard of care for common diseases such as cancer...

Empowering Nurse Practitioners to transform Ontario’s healthcare landscape

As healthcare professionals, we are acutely aware of the challenges facing Ontario’s healthcare system....


Personalized home evaluation tool for older adults and people with disabilities wins national competition

Canadian startup Incluzia Inc. has won the 2024 AGE-WELL National Impact Challenge: Solutions for Healthy Aging for its evaluation tool that identifies safety risks,...

The impact of the built environment on an aging population

n an episode of the popular Netflix show “Grace and Frankie,” Frankie (played by...

Collaborating virtually to improve long-term care during the pandemic

A study led by Dr. Akber Mithani, Regional Medical Director, Janice Sorensen, Research Lead...

Report sees chance to create home care capacity by streamlining services

New report from UHN recommends residential high-rise buildings with a high proportion of older adults have a dedicated home care team who can care for multiple clients within the same complex. The policy paper from UHN’s NORC Innovation Centre says instead of care providers –...

Screening project to better protect residents in long-term care

The prevalence of Carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPO) is increasing in B.C. with new cases reported in both long-term care homes and hospitals.  To better protect long-term...