
UHN team performs Canadian- first adult cardiac procedure

In a Canadian-first procedure, a surgical team at UHN’s Peter Munk Cardiac Centre (PMCC) has eliminated an adult patient’s irregular heartbeat – arrhythmia – by accessing the heart through a vein in the liver. The procedure, known as a trans-hepatic approach, was performed earlier this...

Enhanced Cardiovascular Care — VIRTUES

Enrollment has commenced for a groundbreaking national study that will help revolutionize cardiovascular care. Anyone who has or may have a cardiovascular condition is welcome to participate. “VIRTUES equips healthcare providers with the up-to-date medical information about each patient, offering specific recommendations and various options to ensure...


‘A great place to grow’: Stroke learners share their experiences training at Unity Health Toronto

June is Stroke Awareness Month, an opportunity to raise awareness about stroke and stroke...

Timely diagnosis and right medication lead to improved quality of life for heart failure patients

Marilyn Jackson recalls waking up, breathless, with a terrible cramp in her leg. “I’m...

How the Apple Watch could boost heart health

Ross Durant was volunteering at his church just over a decade ago when he...

New technology enhances cardiac care

Humber River Health recognizes that modern challenges are best met with modern solutions, and...

Southlake pioneering advancements in cardiac care

Southlake Regional Health Centre is setting new benchmarks that will bring leading edge cardiac...

AI and cardiac care

A new Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) study will harness the power of artificial intelligence...

Tool helping ED teams make care decisions about heart failure patients

A UHN-created tool that supports Emergency Department (ED) physicians in deciding whether to admit...

KHSC trials minimally invasive shockwave procedure for the first time in Ontario

The number of new technologies in health care continues to grow by the day...

Minimally invasive cardiac surgery reduces trauma

It has been two months since Bojan, a 51-year-old man, attended the Minimally Invasive...

Expanding access to cardiac care

More than 6,000 people are admitted to Fraser Health hospitals for cardiac failure every...

A New Era in Heart Failure Management: The Promise of Digital Therapeutics

Heart failure is one of the fastest growing cardiovascular conditions in the world that...

Surgical guidance with AI

Researchers at UHN’s Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (TGHRI) have utilized artificial intelligence (AI)...

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Hospital partnership reaches innovative milestone in the management of electronic health records

The partnership between Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH), Collingwood General and Marine Hospital...

Boost to nurse practitioner program supports primary health care

Fifteen more nurse practitioners (NPs) will be trained at the University of Victoria this...

New data: Canadian physicians embrace digital health tools

With the rise of physician burnout in the wake of the pandemic and ongoing...

Ensuring the right patient gets the right medication at the right time

Drip. Drip. Drip.  Simon is lying in a hospital bed after a successful abdominal surgery....