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Hospital partnership reaches innovative milestone in the management of electronic health records

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The partnership between Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre (RVH), Collingwood General and Marine Hospital (CGMH), Georgian Bay General Hospital (GBGH) and Headwaters Health Care Centre (HHCC), which created the CARE4 Health Information System (HIS) across the four sites in 2021, has reached another significant milestone by attaining Stage 6 of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (EMRAM).

EMRAM is an eight-stage (0-7) model that measures the use and utilization of EMR capabilities within hospitals. Institutions that reach Stage 6 have robust capabilities for clinical decision support, a highly secure health information exchange, and a sophisticated level of EMR integration that enables improved safety, quality, and efficiency in healthcare delivery.

For patients, Stage 6 certification means a better hospital experience. Streamlined access and use of data creates more personalized care delivery, and personal medical information is more accessible to them and their care providers, while the data itself is more secure than ever.

Attaining EMRAM 6 is a monumental achievement for any hospital – less than dozen hospitals in Canada have earned it – but for the four local partner hospitals, it’s especially remarkable given the complex logistical coordination involved.

“Prior to our partnership, each hospital had its own unique processes, technologies and environment,” says Dave Brewin, RVH Vice President, Digital Health and Regional Chief Information Officer. “Creating a unified approach to EMR adoption required not only technical integration, but also a cultural shift towards clinical standards and processes.”

To meet the rigorous standards set by HIMSS, digital health strategies and operational goals had to be aligned and clinical workflows, data entry processes, and decision-making protocols standardized to ensure consistency and reliability across all sites.

Just as important as the technical prowess and logistical coordination required was the four partners’ commitment to doing the right thing for the communities they serve. The pursuit of certification was not an external mandate or provincial requirement. The four sites voluntarily chose to seek it to ensure that each person who walks through their doors receives care informed by the best possible use of technology.

Working together to earn EMRAM 6 certification displays the four sites’ commitment to leveraging technology to enhance patient care and drive innovation. It’s a reflection of a collective dedication to continuous improvement in healthcare delivery so that patients can be assured their health information is accessible, accurate, safer, and used to inform the best possible care decisions.


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