
Canadian first: New groundbreaking treatments for paediatric epilepsy patients

Epilepsy is the most common neurological condition in paediatrics affecting approximately one in one-hundred Canadian children. For 11-year-old Makayla Douglass, epileptic seizures have been a part of her life since being diagnosed at the age of one. At its peak, Makayla would experience up to...

World first procedure removes blood clot in 10 minutes

A patient at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is the world’s first to benefit from a new medical device developed to treat stroke by rapidly removing the offending blood clot in 10 minutes, ultimately reversing the symptoms of stroke and preventing permanent damage to the...


New tool to help Multiple Sclerosis patients with mental health challenges

The use of mindfulness, a type of meditation that focuses on being intensely aware...

Concussion calculator predicts recovery time, risk of long-term symptoms

“I don't know," is rarely a phrase anyone wants to hear from a doctor....

Identifying unique characteristics of human neurons

Scientists at the Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network (UHN), in collaboration...

Neurovascular team performs novel brain aneurysm procedure

By Elizabeth Benner In May, the Neurovascular team at St. Michael’s Hospital of Unity...

Possible dementia vaccine closer

A vaccine to ward off dementia is currently being readied for human clinical trials...

Concussion rates are nearly double what we thought

By Ellen Rosenberg With concussions seeming more common than ever before, researchers at Toronto Rehabilitation...

Disease causing mutation found in French-Canadians

Carriers at higher risk of developing neurodegenerative disease A team of Canadian scientists, including...

Unique brain “fingerprint” can predict drug effectiveness

Technique can be used to better categorize patients with neurological disease, according to their...

Innovative Parkinson’s program

With the recent recognition of Parkinson’s Awareness Month across Canada, Kemptville District Hospital (KDH)...

Patient care management system helps medically complex patients navigate road to recovery

By Carla Wintersgill Georges Maalouf entered Runnymede Healthcare Centre’s Medically Complex program after a month...

New tool helps target brain tumours with pinpoint precision

By Monica Matys Life took a turn for Andrew Stewart five years ago. First, a...

Researchers train brains to use different regions for same task

By Shawn Hayward Practice might not always make perfect, but it’s essential for learning a...

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Bringing innovative healthcare to life

As North America’s leading digital hospital, Humber River Health (Humber) believes that exceptional healthcare...

Improving diagnosis and treatment of brain injury in survivors of intimate partner violence

Fraser Health’s Embrace Clinic is part of a $3.4 million U.S. Department of Defence...

Nurses need genetics in “their DNA” to improve patient care It’s time for more genomics education in nursing

Genetic testing is now the standard of care for common diseases such as cancer...

Student insights: The case for integrating sustainability into pharmacy curriculum

As pharmacy students, we are trained to prioritize the safest and most effective medications...